Wether you are going up after school for a night session or taking a flight to Alaska Here are some things to take you on your travels. Always remember to follow the rule of 2's. Nothing is more stressful than getting snowed in and not having the right gear to get you down the hill.
NUMBER 1: Get a boardbag. This will keep your new investment from getting trashed on the bus or by cargo handlers. If you get a decent one it will last you foreveeeeeeer, spend the extra few bucks for a bag that can hold 2 boards (1 with bindings on), boots, and some gear. If you are going to put all that stuff in it get a bag with wheels.
NUMBER 2: Bring Two Boards. If you are lucky enough to have two boards bring them. Even for weekend trips. The conditions could change and you will be left wishing you had another whip. If you are going out west and only have one board, borrow one, a bigger one. Even if it is an old beater, you don't want to be a submarine. Or if the park is sick switch up and ride your park deck.
NUMBER 3: Bring Two Goggle Lenses. On the east coast conditions usually start and finish the same, grey with flat light. So you should have a Rose Lense and an Amber Lense. Out west you could have Blizzard in the morning and bluebird in the afternoon, you should bring Amber and have Mirrored Lenses for backup. It is important to get goggle s that you can change the lenses quickly and easily. Or if you take a tumble you can switch them up and keep riding, like nothing happened at all.
NUMBER 4: Bring 2 Hats, bring 2 pair of thermals (tops n bottoms), bring 2 pair of gloves.... whatever you have, bring a backup. It makes for a heavy ass pile of luggage, but you will thank me in the long run.
NUMBER 5: Bring backup wax, tools, a file and other stuff to keep your board running fast. extra epoxy or ptex is also great to pack in the bag. You don't need to take them to the mountain but you will be thankful if you blowout an edge or take a gouge out of your base. Remember to wax your board every three or four times you ride, if it is icy conditions wax every two times or every weekend. If your spending $70 a day to go snowboarding, spend the extra $20 and get some wax, slow boards are no fun.
I know its a lot of stuff to pack on a trip but you will thank me in the long run.

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