1. What is King of the Worm? (KOTW) It's a scavenger hunt type contest in which you use your skate skills and city knowledge to earn points for your team. The team with the most point's (and video proof) at the end of the week wins. It's just like Thrasher's King of the Road except it's in Worcester and you can actually do it.
2. How much does it cost to sign up? It's free you fool
3. What do I need for KOTW? Balls of steel, a video camera, and a few friends to form a team. Winners will be picked on completed challenges. Not editing skills. You don't have to make a totally sick video. You just have to get as many challenges on film as you can. However, the footage will need to be on Disc and in .movie or AVI format.
4. How many people can be on a team? At least 2 no more than 5 ( A 6th teammate is allowed for filming only )
5. When does KOTW start? Challenges will be handed out at EB Worcester on Saturday Aug 1st @ 2:00pm. You must show up to get your top secret package. Your video entries must be in by Monday Aug 10th @ 6:00 pm
6. How do I sign up for KOTW? It's simple you come down to EB Worcester on Saturday Aug 1st @ 2:00pm and say "sign me up"
7. The winners will be crowned on a later date ( to be announced ) at EB Worcester with a viewing of highlights from the whole week.
8. For all other questions call EB Worcester @ 508-852-3668
Remember: Videos must be in .movie or AVI format.
Some footage from last years KOTW
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