Saturday, December 5, 2009

I already told you what to name it, you're ganna name it: "Bryan B's Machines of Death!"

Snow is falling here in Worcester, and with a projected 3-6 inches on it's way, the once far thought of hitting those treasured hand rail has again entered our mind. Maybe you don't want to ruin that $600 board or maybe your park board is a bit too thrashed, either way Eastern Boarder has what you need. Bryan B was nice enough to pull out a bunch of street/park specific boards that will help keep the bangers coming without blowing out your wallet. Here's the list from left to right... -Auger

Capita Stairmaster $329.99

Flow Verve $319.99

Rome Garage Rocker $299.99

Forum Manual Forum Forever LE $339.99

Ride Ruckus $239.99

Rome Artifact 1985 $339.99

K2 World Wide Weapon Rocker $379.99

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