Dwindle Distribution houses a heaping double handful of skateboard brands. Almost, Darkstar, Blind and Enjoi are all Built and Distributed by Dwindle. As well as Globe Shoes & Tensor Trucks. A few years back I had the opportunity to visit their warehouses in El Segundo CA. It was enormous. More skateboards and wheels than you could ever imagine. We even got to see a few secret projects that Rodney and Daewon were working on. We saw the Impact Decks and Uberlight Decks when they were still just prototypes. Most NEW skateboard technologies never leave the ground, like aluminum decks. Or carbon decks. Nothing feels like real maple under your feet. Thats why I think the dwindle decks are pushing skateboard construction to the next level. They are still wood on the outside, with just enough carbon to make them better than regular 7ply maple decks. The Impact Decks are our best selling "tech" skateboard. So if you are heavy footed, break decks and need a little more than a normal deck these will save your summer. Plus they come with a 30-Day manufacturers Guarantee (rules apply). Here is an amazing video featuring the production of Dwindle Brands and the attention to detail that goes into each deck. | |

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