The Eastern Boarder PHONE-BLAST will blast special and coupons directly to your phone from us. Its easy to sign up, just click the link above.
Or There are three easy ways to sign up:
1. Dial 877-551-7711 from your mobile phone and enter 1246
2. Text "jittergram 1246" to 878787
3. (coming soon) Visit Jittergram.com, sign up in "Looking for Deals", locate Eastern Boarder in the Area Merchants and sign up.
A few times a month you will get a PHONE-BLAST, blasted directly to your phone, all you have to do is come to the shop and flash us the message. And we will hook it up. Only people that sign up will get the deal. Deals will vary from skateboards to clothing to new shoes and tons of other promotions. We promise your number will not be used for any other reasons besides this service. And You can cancel at any time just by a single text. complete details are available here. Don't miss out. It is the next level and you will be rewarded greatly.
The EB Phoneblast is powered by jittergram.com

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